Hardware-Interfaces Commands

This section contains those interface commands that are related to hardware-interfaces:


For a complete list of CLI Debug commands refer to the Debug CLI section of the Source Code Documents .

Show Bridge-Domain


show bridge-domain [bridge-domain-id [detail|int|arp| bd-tag ]]


Show a summary of all the bridge-domain instances or detailed view of a single bridge-domain. Bridge-domains are created by adding an interface to a bridge using the set interface l2 bridge command.

Example Usage

Example of displaying all bridge-domains:

vpp# show bridge-domain

 ID   Index   Learning   U-Forwrd   UU-Flood   Flooding   ARP-Term     BVI-Intf
 0      0        off        off        off        off        off        local0
200     1        on         on         on         on         off          N/A

Example of displaying details of a single bridge-domains:

vpp# show bridge-domain 200 detail

 ID   Index   Learning   U-Forwrd   UU-Flood   Flooding   ARP-Term     BVI-Intf
200     1        on         on         on         on         off          N/A

         Interface           Index  SHG  BVI        VLAN-Tag-Rewrite
 GigabitEthernet0/8/0.200      3     0    -               none
 GigabitEthernet0/9/0.200      4     0    -               none

Declaration and Implementation

Declaration: bd_show_cli (src/vnet/l2/l2_bd.c line 1151)

Implementation: bd_show

Show Hardware-Interfaces

Display more detailed information about all or a list of given interfaces. The verboseness of the output can be controlled by the following optional parameters:

  • brief: Only show name, index and state (default for bonded interfaces).

  • verbose: Also display additional attributes (default for all other interfaces).

  • detail: Also display all remaining attributes and extended statistics.


To limit the output of the command to bonded interfaces and their slave interfaces, use the ‘bond’ optional parameter.


show hardware-interfaces [brief|verbose|detail] [bond] [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [<sw_idx> [<sw_idx> [..]]].


Example of how to display default data for all interfaces:

vpp# show hardware-interfaces
              Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
GigabitEthernet7/0/0               1     up   GigabitEthernet7/0/0
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fc
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0
GigabitEthernet7/0/1               2     up   GigabitEthernet7/0/1
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fd
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0
VirtualEthernet0/0/0               3     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/0
  Ethernet address 02:fe:a5:a9:8b:8e
VirtualEthernet0/0/1               4     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/1
  Ethernet address 02:fe:c0:4e:3b:b0
VirtualEthernet0/0/2               5     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/2
  Ethernet address 02:fe:1f:73:92:81
VirtualEthernet0/0/3               6     up   VirtualEthernet0/0/3
  Ethernet address 02:fe:f2:25:c4:68
local0                             0    down  local0

Example of how to display verbose data for an interface by name and software index (where 2 is the software index):

vpp# show hardware-interfaces GigabitEthernet7/0/0 2 verbose
               Name                Idx   Link  Hardware
GigabitEthernet7/0/0               1     up   GigabitEthernet7/0/0
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fc
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0
GigabitEthernet7/0/1               2    down  GigabitEthernet7/0/1
  Ethernet address ec:f4:bb:c0:bc:fd
  Intel e1000
    carrier up full duplex speed 1000 mtu 9216
    rx queues 1, rx desc 1024, tx queues 3, tx desc 1024
    cpu socket 0

Clear Hardware-Interfaces

Clear the extended statistics for all or a list of given interfaces (statistics associated with the show hardware-interfaces command).


clear hardware-interfaces [<interface> [<interface> [..]]] [<sw_idx> [<sw_idx> [..]]].


Example of how to clear the extended statistics for all interfaces:

vpp# clear hardware-interfaces

Example of how to clear the extended statistics for an interface by name and software index (where 2 is the software index):

vpp# clear hardware-interfaces GigabitEthernet7/0/0 2