
Calico/VPP: Using Calico’s Pluggable Dataplanes for Fun and Fast Networking

October 15, 2021 11:55am - 12:30am PST


The Calico VPP dataplane, introduced during last year’s KubeCon, adds a new networking option for Calico on Linux alongside iptables and eBPF. This takes advantage of Calico’s pluggable dataplane support, which offers futureproofing and agility for the user in dataplane choices. As it turns out, having VPP’s flexible and modular userspace networking stack in a Kubernetes environment enables all sorts of interesting things – such as allowing network-intensive pods to send and receive data at ludicrous speeds while conserving the CNI features we love, thanks to kernel bypass.

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Low Trust Edge Network? No Problem - Get Great Performance and Security Using Calico, VPP, and WireGuard

October 12, 2021 11:20am - 11:50am PST


As we’re learning from the other sessions at this summit, Kubernetes has many applications in the Enterprise Edge. However, Edge networks are more difficult to physically protect against malicious parties or other interference, so it becomes critical that security is implemented, not only between pods, but also to protect traffic on the wire. To add to the challenges, in an edge Kubernetes deployment, making the best possible use of the available CPU resources is even more critical than normal due to limited available resource - you can’t just buy a bigger instance, here!

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Calico/VPP : Kubernetes networking with boosters

July 22, 2021 09:00am - 08:00am PST


Kubernetes has become the de facto solution when it comes to container networking, providing rich functionalities and abstractions. But some classes of workloads put a huge performance burden on these implementations. Think big data, storage, analytics, 5G, virtual network functions, requiring encryption at a 40Gbps line rate, or multiple million of packets per second. Typically applications that are used to having dedicated NICs and physical hardware. In order to address this, we took the best of both worlds, combining Calico, the popular cloud native Kubernetes network plugin, with VPP, a very fast and scalable userspace packet processing software.

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How to build Secure Terabit Network Services with FD.io technologies.

July 1, 2021 09:00am - 08:00am PST


Learn how FD.io is used to build secure Terabit NaaS cloud networking, a.k.a. SASE, and FD.io VPP and CSIT projects' critical roles in this. FD.io project is industry leading in providing production-ready open-source technologies and tooling to build secure and fast modern cloud VPNs, including support of encrypted overlays such as IPsec, TLS, QUIC, WireGuard and more. In this talk, you will learn: i. How FD.io VPP achieves near-linear multi-core horizontal scaling and leverages platform optimizations to achieve Terabit speeds;

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VPP in your home lab? Yep. Right now.

March 24, 2021 08:00am - 07:00am PST


Vector Packet Processing (VPP) enables astounding software packet processing. It represents where the world is heading for many packet processing needs across edge networking, cloud native networking, and 5G infrastructure. Many network engineers are aware of VPP, but really don’t have a fast, easy way to try it out for themselves, just to see what it’s all about. But if they could, who knows what they might do with it?

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